Vitiligo: the disease, the myths, and the miracle cure

Vitiligo: the disease, the myths, and the miracle cure

Vitiligo is a skin disorder characterized by the appearance of macules, which are smooth white spots. Face, feet, forearms, and hands are the most frequent starting points. About 1% of the population has vitiligo.

What is the meaning of vitiligo?

A medical disorder known as vitiligo causes the skin to lose its colour. If the white spots are at least 5mm in diameter, they are known as macules. If vitiligo spreads to an area of your body where you have hair, your hair may become white.

Why does vitiligo happen?

Vitiligo begins as a few white patches that are not related, but it can spread to the entire body over time.

Larger patches can occasionally continue to expand, although they typically remain static for decades. As various portions of the skin lose and gain pigment over time, the smaller patches shift. Some individuals with vitiligo have only a few white spots on their skin, while others lose a significant amount of skin colour.

How prevalent is vitiligo?

People believe vitiligo affects at least 1 percent of the global population. Vitiligo can affect persons of any race or gender, however people of a darker shade of skin are more likely to recognize the condition. Although vitiligo can occur at any age, it is most prevalent between 10 and 30 years of people’s life. Vitiligo is uncommon in very young and very old people.

Why does vitiligo happen?

There are a lot of ideas about what causes vitiligo, but none of them has been able to provide solid proof.

  • Immune system dysfunction:

    When an individual is ill, their immune system may produce antibodies that harm melanocytes.

  • Genetic factors:

    In extremely rare instances, vitiligo can be transmitted from parent to child. One in three individuals with vitiligo has a familial history of the condition.

  • Neurological considerations:

    At the terminals of epidermal nerves, a chemical that is toxic to melanocytes could be produced.

  • Self-destruction:

    The melanocytes have a defect that causes them to self-destruct.

There are numerous causes of vitiligo, including physical and emotional stress. Since there is no one good explanation for what causes vitiligo, it is more likely that a combination of these things is to blame. This can induce anxiety or sadness and the desire for solitude. If this occurs, you should discuss your next steps with your option of the best vitiligo homeopathy doctor in Pune or family.

Myths about Vitiligo

The white skin patches caused by vitiligo are the result of depigmentation, which means the affected area is colourless. This is a genuine skin issue, unlike pigmentation or rashes with comparable effects.

This irrational dread of becoming ill is primarily the result of a lack of knowledge and long-held prejudices. It is false that diseases can be transmitted by casual contact. Alternatively, vitiligo cannot be transmitted through casual contact. In addition, there are numerous food myths. People believed for a long time that shellfish, white foods, and acidic foods cause vitiligo.

In the realm of science, however, this theory is not supported by any empirical evidence. There don’t seem to be any differences in how likely it is to get this disease based on race, religion, socioeconomic status, or eating habits. You can visit the best vitiligo doctor in Pune and clear out your queries.

Myth #1: For vitiligo to happen, a person must have dark skin.

Fact: Even though vitiligo can affect people of all colours, those with darker skin may be better able to notice the symptoms.

Myth #2: It is known that having parents of different races makes the risk of vitiligo higher.

Fact: Even though vitiligo can run in families, it is not genetic and is not usually present at birth. It is more prevalent among those under the age of 20, but anyone can contract it.

Myth #3: Vitiligo is caused by excessive sun exposure.

Fact: Some individuals believe that sun damage is the cause of the issue, despite the lack of a definitive link between the two. People with the disease should avoid the sun because it increases the likelihood of sunburns and provides little protection.

Miracle Cure

Once the dermatologist determines that you have vitiligo, he or she will inquire as to whether you desire the best vitiligo treatment in Pune. On the other hand, some individuals prefer not to participate. Some individuals with fair skin would rather attempt to conceal it with makeup or a fake tan than visit the best vitiligo homeopathy doctor in Pune. A dermatologist can help treat vitiligo by restoring colour to the affected regions.

When developing a treatment plan, a dermatologist constantly prioritizes the patient’s requirements. Your dermatologist will make this determination based on your age, general health, and the severity of your illness. It is important to think about how bad the vitiligo is, how fast it is getting worse, and what kind it is.


There are a variety of medication therapies for vitiligo that are applied directly to the skin. Use it just within the home. Corticosteroids are one example of this type of medication. People newly diagnosed with vitiligo might benefit greatly from this therapy.

Dermatologists will only recommend corticosteroid treatment for a brief duration due to the danger of side effects. Both children and adults can benefit from a brief course of this medication.

Power of light

By using ultraviolet (UV) light, light therapy reveals your natural skin tone. When treating a broad area, your dermatologist may recommend phototherapy.

A particular amount of time is spent exposing your skin to UV rays during phototherapy. The duration of an appointment with a dermatologist depends on the demands of each patient. A UV light box is put to use. If your dermatologist believes you require just targeted treatments, he or she may recommend laser therapy. The laser’s small spot size keeps damage to a small area, which protects the healthy tissue around it.

The colour of the face and neck can be restored using light therapy. The lips, nails, and toenails are the body parts least affected by light treatment. Though light therapy cannot be used alone, it must be supplemented with the best vitiligo treatment in Pune.

The utilization of light in therapy is improving over time. A dermatologist may suggest light therapy as part of your skincare routine if they think it will help you see results faster.

Final Overview

In the end, you want to get rid of spots that are already there and stop new ones from showing up. Vitiligo is a skin condition that can rapidly spread. It can occasionally spread quite rapidly. If your dermatologist notices that you are constantly developing new spots and patches of skin, he or she may prescribe prednisone.

Using this potent medication could prevent the condition from worsening. The chemical is available in tablet form. Prednisone treatment typically lasts between two and four weeks. You can also seek vitiligo homoeopathy treatment.

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