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Mon - Sat: 10:00 - 19:00
Cerebral Palsy
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Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral palsy is a group of disorders that affect movement and muscle tone or posture. It’s caused by damage that occurs to the immature, developing brain, most often before birth.
It is a congenital disorder. It is the most common motor disability of childhood
In general, cerebral palsy causes impaired movement associated with exaggerated reflexes, floppiness or spasticity of the limbs and trunk, unusual posture, involuntary movements, unsteady walking, or some combination of these.

Movement And Coordination:
- Stiff muscles and exaggerated reflexes (spasticity), the most common movement disorder
- Variations in muscle tone, such as being either too stiff or too floppy
- Stiff muscles with normal reflexes (rigidity)
- Lack of balance and muscle coordination (ataxia)
- Tremors or jerky involuntary movements
- Slow, writing movements
- Difficulty walking, such as walking on toes, a crouched gait, a scissors-like gait with knees crossing, a wide gait or an asymmetrical gait
- Difficulty with fine motor skills, such as buttoning clothes or picking up utensils.
Speech and Eating:
- Delays in speech development
- Difficulty with sucking, chewing or eating
- Excessive drooling or problems with swallowing
- Seizures (epilepsy)
- Problems with vision and abnormal eye movements
- Abnormal touch or pain sensations
- Bladder and bowel problems, including constipation and urinary incontinence
- Mental disorders , such as emotional disorders and behavioural problems
- Genetic disorder
- Maternal infections
- Bleeding into the brain in the womb or as a newborn during delivery – head trauma
- Infant infections that cause inflammation in or around the brain
- Lack of oxygen to the brain during labor
Homeopathy Invention(As per latest research):
A fetus might endure the conflict of “not being able to escape” when the mother is in danger or screaming and yelling (fights between parents, mother yelling at her children). The “loud noises” of ultrasound examinations can be highly traumatic for the unborn . A “feeling stuck”-conflict could be activated during a difficult delivery or the way the baby is handled immediately after birth. The motor disabilities seen in cerebral palsy is the result of motor conflicts experienced by the fetus in the womb or during the birth process .
Homeopathy Approach:
homeopathy is something that parents of children with cerebral palsy may turn to for relief from difficult symptoms. A child may benefit to relieve pain, improve mobility, and provide relief for many of the associated symptoms and conditions of cerebral palsy.
Homeopathic medicines have dual effect i.e. stimulate the brain to function at its optimum and also they have a positive effect on muscles which helps in balance and co-ordination.
Homeopathy Medicines:
- Opium: Cerebral apoplexy ,jaws dropped ,pupils dilated ,Hot sweat ,one sided paralysis.coma with dusky red face and stertorousbreathing,when due to sudden and excessive joy ,slow and laboured pulse.
- Agaricusmus: Cerebral chorea with twitchings and spasms of the eye balls and eyelids. Spasmodic motions of the extremities which run diagonally i.e. it affects upper part of one side and the lower part of the other.
- Zincum Met: Constant motion of feet which may continue during night ,especially when brought on by suppression of eruptions or by fright.
- Laurocerasus: A poplexy occuring suddenly without warning with palpitation ,cold moist skin and convulsions of facial muscles.
- Causticum: Right sided is more affected than the left ,the muscles of face ,tongue and arms and legs are involved.Words are jerked out when talking. Patient continuously changes position until he falls asleep exhausted.
For appointment please call @ 020 27455480 / +91 9405 435 981
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat: 10:00 - 19:00