
Home/ Skin Diseases / Urticaria


Hives are also known as urticaria, are a kind of rash with red, raised, itchy bumps.

They may also burn or sting. Typically, they last a few days and do not leave any long-lasting skin changes.

It is an allergic manifestation.

Allergy : Intolerance, giving rise to hypersensitivity, with the secretion of histamine that causes red patches.

Causes :
Hives are caused by the release of histamine and other mediators of inflammation from cells in the skin.

Many different substances in the environment may cause hives, including:

  • Certain Medications
  • Food allergies (nuts, eggs, wheat, shellfish) insect bites.
  • Stress
In Perhaps more than 50% of people with chronic hives of unknown cause, it is due to an autoimmune reaction.
Symptoms :
  • Raised itchy bumps, either red or skin-colored swelling or inflammation in response to touch.
  • Itching, burning, or flare.
  • Blanching (the center of a red hive turns white).
Homoeopathic Invention :
As per the latest research in homeopathy, urticaria may be caused by an unwanted separation (not being able or allowed to embrace or hold a beloved person or a pet) typically presents as a skin rash.
Homeopathic Approach :

Homeopathy heals skin diseases effectively, following a mild and safe approach. These medicines follow a curative rather than a suppressive approach while treating urticaria. Helpful in treating chronic tendency towards urticaria.

Homoeopathic Medication :
  • Apis Mellifica : When symptoms include marked burning and itching. Stinging pain in urticarial eruptions is also observed .skin is extremely sensitive to touch. Urticaria is triggered in heat and better by cold application or open air.
  • Natrum Mur : Urticaria triggered by exercise and arises from exposure to the sun. Nat Mur will get great large hives on the skin from exertion with violent itching and burning.
  • Rhus Tox : Urticaria from severe scratching leads to red, swollen skin with itching, burning, and smarting. Rubbing worsen the symptoms. Urticaria resulting from getting wet.
  • Dulcamara : Violent itching in urticarial eruptions. Urticaria arising from exposure to cold and that gets triggered in wet weather.
  • Sulphur : Eruptions arising from heat exposure with itching and burning. Washing and scratching eruptions worsen it, itching aggravates in the evening.
* Note – Above medicines are for knowledge purpose only. Take the medication only after doctor’s consultation. Do not self medicate

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