Opening Hours
Mon - Sat: 10:00 - 19:00
Home /Cancer
Neoplasm or tumour is a mass of tissue formed as a result of abnormal, excessive, uncoordinated ,autonous & purposeless proliferation of cells.
Neoplasm may be ‘benign’ when they are slow growing & localised without causing much difficulty to the host or ‘malignant’ when they proliferates rapidly, spreads throughout the body & may eventually cause death of the host.
The common term used for all malignant tumours is cancer.
- Cigarette smoking
- Tobacco chewing
- Exposure to radiations
- Alcohol
- Food additives
- Pollutions
- Occupation-Asbestos,Aniline dyes,UV light
- Sexual behaviour
- Medicines & Medical procedures-Cytotonins
- Infections-Schistomiassis, Human papillomo virus 16 & 17
- Genetics-
- # Breast cancer gene 1/2- Breast & ovareian cancer
- # Hereditary non-polyposis coloreted cancer gene-colon & endometrial cancer
- Adenopolyposis coli gene – colorectal cancer
- Endoscopy, Bronchoscope, Colonoscopy
- USG & X-ray
- CT-Scan
- Biopsy or fine needle aspirates
- Bone scan
- Tumor markers in blood
Role of Homoeopathy
- Endoscopy, Bronchoscope, Colonoscopy
- USG & X-ray
- CT-Scan
- Biopsy or fine needle aspirates
- Bone scan
- Tumor markers in blood
 Local features according to site of cancer
- Lump
- Pain
- Obstrutions
- Abdominal Swelling [ascites]
- Skin abnormalitis
Systemic Features:
- Height loss & Anorexia [loss of appetite]
- Fatigue, Malaise
- Fever, Drowsiness
- Malnutrition, General ill-health
- Sepsis / Fever
- Spinal cord compression
- Metastasis to various organs & adjacent organ
- Hypercalcaemid
- Cardiac Temponade
- Superior vena caval obstrution
Popular Procedures
For appointment please call @ 020 27455480 / +91 9405 435 981
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat: 10:00 - 19:00