
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

This is the most common problem among women these days due to a high change in lifestyles and diets, though these are not the only causes.
To define this, polycystic ovary syndrome is a condition when not enough hormones (androgen) are produced by the body for ovulation. It forms cysts in the uterus.

PCOS hinders with fertility, a normal menstrual cycle, and hormone levels in the body. It leads to one being overweight, growth of more than normal body hair, and due to changes in hormonal levels, it might also lead to mood swings or even clinical depression.
While other kinds of treatments do not treat it as completely curable, homoeopathy claims that it can be treated completely.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Dr Tathed


The exact cause of PCOS remains unknown still, but there are always guesses that can be made. It can be associated with the production of more male hormones in the body, or excess insulin could be the cause. As mentioned earlier, lifestyles have changed so much that they might play a role in it as well. And when ‘lifestyle changed’ is said, it means for worse and not for better. An unhealthy lifestyle includes unhealthy eating habits, very limited physical movements and not giving enough consideration to your body. Increased levels of pollution these days might also have something to do with it.

The body produces hyperandrogenism (male hormone)much more than it is supposed to be. This can also be a genetic thing, but as said earlier, many of these might just be guesses at this point without any hardcore evidence.

There are many psychological causes of PCOS as well. Excessive stress may sometimes lead to irregular periods, but issues like losing someone, whether it be a thing or maybe a pet or a person, might also be a major factor. Women who might have gone through miscarriages or abortions affect their mental health just as much as their physical health.

PCOS Symptoms

Following are the symptoms that a person going through Polycystic Ovary Syndrome might observe 

Irregular periods are one of the foremost signs that PCOS might be an issue in a body. Since more amount of androgen is produced, less amount of hormone responsible for ovulation exists. This leads to the formation of fluid-filled sacs, also known as cysts.

More androgens in the body lead to oilier skin, and that later leads to acne. These are most noticeable on the face but may also be present on the other parts of one’s body.

When you have PCOS, you have a low rate of metabolism in your body due to hormonal imbalance. This low metabolism mostly leads to being overweight. And if you want to lose weight with PCOS, it is a really hard job.

Periods are highly irregular and have no schedule, but when they occur, the flow is very heavy and can be extremely and unbearably painful. This is because the uterine lining, which is supposed to shed during the menstrual cycle, has been building up for more than an average period of time.

Having PCOS can lead to excessive hair loss as well. Furthermore, it can also cause bald patches.

Yes, these 2 symptoms can exist simultaneously. Hair loss occurs on the hair of your head, but the hair growth is on other body parts, like your facial hair and hair on the upper back.

Dark patches on the skin can form. These patches can be seen under the breast, on the neck and on a few other body parts.

homeopathy treatment for pcos - Dr.Tathed's Homeopathy

If you are wondering whether you have polycystic ovary syndrome, the above symptoms might guide you in some way. If your doubts persist, connect with a doctor. You will be properly diagnosed by a professional and be prescribed medications for treatment. While some claim this is not all the way curable, homoeopathy disagrees.

Complications after PCOS

  • Infertility- It goes without saying that no ovulation or less ovulation means trouble conceiving.
  • This puts a person at risk of endometrial cancer.
  • Not only endometrial cancer might also put you on the verge of breast cancer too.
  • Gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia might also be a complication if you have polycystic ovary syndrome.

Homoeopathic Treatment

As mentioned in the earlier sections of this, homoeopathy claims to cure PCOS completely. It can be treated as such and help to lure your menstrual cycle into a proper schedule. Homoeopathy focuses on deleting the root cause of this rather than just providing relief for a limited period of time. It may take time, but it is effective in most cases. It might just be your best shot to conceive naturally if you are hoping to.

Homoeopathic medicines for the treatment of PCOS

#Note: The above-mentioned medicines are for informational purposes only. Do not consume any of these without consultation or prescription.

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