Female Disorder

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Female Disorder

Homoeopathy & Female disorder

We all know that Homoeopathy has wonderful results in every disease. In addition to this, Homoeopathy has amazing cure in Female disorders just like an icing on the cake.
It is rightly said a family can be healthy if the woman in the family is healthy. Hence a woman should pay special attention to her health in her day to day life as she has to balance her house as well as her career. Due to this tug of war between her house and career, women now a day suffer different kinds of maladies like dysmenorrhea, menstrual problems, leucorrhoea, breast development, fibroids in uterus, ovarian cyst & PCOS, hormonal imbalance, abortions, breast cancer and menopause and so on. That’s where Homoeopathy comes into picture to help them overcome these maladies and stay healthy & in turn keep their family healthy.

Homeopathic approach

Homoeopathy is very useful for girls at the age of puberty or during onset of menses until the age where woman get menopausal syndrome. It is useful in woman at any age. Homoeopathic medicines cure the disease as well as improve the immunity or immune system in person.

Most of the women have the following troubles:-
1] Before menses: – pain in abdomen, low backache, irritability breast pain.
2] During menses: -low back pain with abdomen discomfort, heavy flow, scanty flow, foul smell of menses.
3] After menses: – weakness, tiredness.
4] Irregular menses, leucorrhoea, infertility, fibroids in uterus, PCOS, ovarian cyst, prolapse of uterus, CA of Breast.
5] During pregnancy: – severe vomiting, any mental stress, help woman for normal delivery.
All these troubles can be cured by Homoeopathic medicines. They have no side effects. It is easy to take. Anyone can use Homoeopathy – babies pregnant woman & elderly. Homoeopathy is used to treat physical mental as well as emotional conditions. Homoeopathy has the medicines for illness-

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