Opening Hours
Mon - Sat: 10:00 - 19:00
Migraine Homeopathy Treatment
This neurological condition is experienced with extreme throbbing pain, which is usually on one side of the head. It can cause a pulsating sensation along with unbearable pain. It causes a person to feel nauseated, might also have vomiting, and experience light sensitivity. The severity of migraine differs from person to person. Some may have severe pain, while some may have low-intensity pain. Whatever the situation is, the recurrence of pain is constant in this case.

A migraine is a headache that has varying stages of pain in patients. There is a different pattern in every migraine attack as there are different stages present. These stages include:
This is a stage that happens to be a day or two before the attack, in which the person experiences symptoms like –
- Tiredness
- Constipation
- Diarrhoea
- Extreme fatigue
- Food cravings
- Losing appetite
- Bloating in the abdomen
- Extreme thirst
- Mood swings
- Frequent yawning
Some patients are said to have witnessed this stage after the prodrome stage of migraine. These symptoms are neural and are usually visual, but they might include other symptoms also. Its beginning is gradual, and it can stay for 5 to 20 minutes to even an hour.
- The patients in this stage have hallucinations, i.e., they tend to see certain things which do not really exist. For example, black dots, some wavy lines, flashes of light, etc.
- Vertigo-like symptoms or not being able to see at all.
- Having numbness in one side of the body.
- Tingling in the body.
- The legs and arms feel very heavy.
- Experiencing ringing sensation in the ears.
- Noticing certain changes in smell, taste, and touch.
- Olfactory hallucinations may also be there.
In this phase, a dull pain is experienced, which eventually becomes throbbing and pulsating. It gets even worse when the person shows any sort of movement while walking or during any physical exercises. When it starts, it is usually experienced on one side of the head, and with time it is felt all over the head. A person may experience –
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Sensitive to light, sound, and smell
- The person may experience dizziness
Most headaches last for about 4 hours duration, but severe ones even go on for 3 days straight.
During the time periods of pregnancy or when ovulating, most women feel headaches.
Stress is a very bewildering situation that might release certain chemicals in the brain which cause blood vessel changes, and the person may feel a migraine at some point.
Some people might be allergic to certain food items or drinks. If consumed, they might cause a migraine. Alcohol and other drinks may be a trigger for some people. Food additives like nitratesmonosodium glutamate (MSG) may be responsible in some people for migraine.
Some people experience migraine while they are empty stomach for a longer duration (skipping meals) or while fasting.
Too much caffeine or not getting enough of it as one is used to. Caffeine is said to give relief in acute migraine pains.
Change in altitude, storms, change in barometric pressure, or winds can be a migraine trigger.
Extreme bright lights, noise pollution, and even strong smells like the scent may trigger migraine in some people.
A few medications can also trigger migraine in some patients.
Physical activities can cause fatigue and trigger headaches in some people
Disturbances in the sleeping pattern often cause sharp headaches in people.
- Powerless Conflict: Sometimes, people might feel that they cannot do anything about a situation.
- Frontal Fear Conflict: This may be felt while having a heated argument with a person or group of people, deadline calls from the bank, a boss at the job, or any kind of fear from a disease.
- Stink Conflict: This is experienced when a person may be fed up with another person and feels that they are stuck in a particular situation.
- Resistance Conflict: This could be felt when there is strong resistance or opposition to a person or organization. This could trigger when a person is forced to do something in which they are not comfortable.
A migraine is a headache, but it may not just stay limited to that. It might even cause some serious issues within the body that are even more dangerous than a headache. They can be
- Stroke: Due to migraine, there can be internal bleeding in the brain of that person, which leads to stroke.
- Seizure: Migraine can also lead to frequent convulsions or fits that are called migraine seizures.
- Status Migrainosus: When the migraine attack is so severe that it extends up to 72 hours, it is said to be status migrainosus.
- Medication Overuse: Constant medications like allopathic painkillers make people habitual of them, and when their effect starts to fade away, people may experience even more throbbing and pulsating pain.

Homoeopathy offers great results in migraine headaches up to the extent that the recurrence also fades away slowly. While consulting, the doctor may ask certain questions related to the symptoms, intensity of pains, or even certain personal questions that may help diagnose the root cause. Homoeopathy has no side effects and causes improvement in the general well-being of people.
This medicine shows results in people with right-sided migraines. The pain starting from the back of the head and coming down to stay at the right side of the eye, are relieved by this medicine. Sleep also causes relief in this type of pain.
This medicine works best in headaches that persist on the right-hand side and are made worse by some grieving situations. This headache has pains that feel like “a thousand little hammers were knocking on the brain” and is made worse when there is some sort of strain on the eyes.
This medicine works in the type of headaches in which the pain persists in one side of the head with a feeling that a nail is driving inside of the head. Muscle twitching or facial spasm may occur with frequent yawns, and the person may weep with this kind of pain.
Right-sided headaches, starting from the back of the head and coming forward at the forehead. It can become severe from going out in the cold without covering the head. This may become better while lying down in a dark room while covering the head. This medicine works best for patients who show these symptoms.
This medicine works best for left-sided migraines, which show symptoms like pulsating pains, which increase on wearing tight clothes. The face looks flushing red or blotchy. Women may feel this type of pain before their menstrual cycle which improves once the flow begins.
For appointment please call @ 020 27455480 / +91 9405 435 981
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat: 10:00 - 19:00