
Erectile Dysfunction

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Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction or impotence is the inability to achieve and maintain an erection that is stable enough for sexual activity.
One in ten men, according to estimates, will experience ED at a certain point in his lifetime. It’s critical to realize that ED is typically a sign of another, more serious issue. A lack of desire, issues with orgasm and ejaculation, as well as ED are not regarded as normal at any age and may coexist with other issues that hinder sexual activity.

Erectile Dysfunction Dr Tathed

The occasional ED is not unusual. It is frequently brought on by stressful situations, recent dietary or lifestyle changes, or both. Frequent erectile dysfunction should be treated. If erectile dysfunction persists, it may stress you out, undermine your confidence, and lead to relationship issues.
Treatment entails dealing with the underlying causes, altering one’s lifestyle, and dealing with psychosocial issues. PDE5 inhibitors, in particular, are often used as a form of treatment because they widen blood vessels and increase blood flow through the penis’ spongy tissue. Other less common therapies include vascular reconstructive surgery, smooth-muscle numbing creams and vasodilators injected into the penis, penile implants, penis pumps, and prostaglandin pellets put in the urethra.

Symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction

  • Having issues obtaining an erection.
  • Problems maintaining an erection.
  • Decreased sexual arousal.
  • Untimely ejaculation.
  • Ineffective ejaculation.
  • Lower self-esteem.

There are several types of ED self-testing, including a stamping test known as nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) that verifies erections at night by wrapping a roll of stamps around the penis. A more recent NPT test in which the man’s nighttime erection is judged for quality using a gadget.


Although they can also be psychological, causes are typically medical. The capillaries or nerves supplying the penis are typically affected by an underlying medical illness when organic factors are present. Blood flow issues are frequently caused by atherosclerosis. An erection cannot be achieved because of atherosclerosis, which causes the arteries inside the penis to thin or become blocked.

Some of the causes are:

  • High levels of diabetes, increased blood pressure, high cholesterol, artery constriction, and heart disease
  • Abnormalities of hormones, such as thyroid disease.
  • Low amounts of testosterone.
  • A structural or biological problem with the penis, like Peyronie disease.
  • Using drugs, tobacco, and abusing alcoholic beverages and other substances.
  • Surgical difficulties.
  • Damage to the spine or pelvis.
  • Antidepressant drugs such as cord cocaine have psychological effects such as regret, unhappiness, anxiety disorders, and fear of intimacy.
  • Chronic kidney disease can lead to ED.
  • Parkinson’s disease may lead to ED.
ED may also be influenced by the following health-related variables and behaviours
  • Lack of physical exercise.
  • Being overweight can lead to ED in rare cases.

The Homeopathic area of Invention

Homoeopathic treatment is tailored to the patient’s unique qualities. The medical professional administering this therapy will take into account the patient’s lifestyle, psychological make-up, temperament, and physical make-up to address the patient’s sexual difficulties holistically and homeopathically. Homoeopathic treatment does not have any adverse effects and targets the underlying source of the issue.

The approach of treatment in a homoeopathic way