


It is an inflammation of the conjunctiva. Conjunctivitis that persists for four or more weeks is considered chronic.

Chronic bacterial conjunctivitis is most commonly caused by Staphylococcus species (a distinct type of bacteria), but other bacteria can also be involved

  •  redness of the conjunctiva,
  • burning,
  • frequent styes
  •  foreign body sensation
  • and morning eyelash crusting
  • eyelash loss. 
Homeopathy Approach:

Homeopathic medicines for conjunctivitis are highly effective natural medicines. They can well manage the eye discharges, the swelling, redness and gritty sensation in the eyes. Homeopathic medicines help in quick recovery from conjunctivitis.

Homeopathic Medicines:

Aconitum Napellus: Aconite is used to treat inflammation of the eye that developsmostly after being exposed to cold wind or trauma from a foreign body. It helps manage the following symptoms associated with conjunctivitis: Redness and inflammation in eyes Severe eye pain Dryness of eyes with swollen eyelids. The above-mentioned symptoms improve in open air, but worsen in a warm room, in the evening, at night and on exposure to dry cold winds

Apis Mellifica: This remedy is mainly used to treat oedema of skin and mucous membranes (outer lining of various organs like the mouth, nose and gastrointestinal tract). Patients who benefit from apismellifica present with extreme sensitivity to touch and markedgeneral soreness. They also experience the following symptoms:

  1. Red eyes 
  2. Swollen and everted eyelids with burning and stinging pain
  3. Pain around orbits (eye sockets)
  4. Aversion to light
  5. Inflammation of the eye with pus discharge

These symptoms worsen with any form of heat, pressure or touch, after sleeping and in closed rooms, but improve in open air and with bathing in cold water.

Eyebright acts specifically on the conjunctiva and the mucous membranes of eyes and nose. It is mainly used in allergic or infectious conjunctivitis.

 Euphrasia Officinalis: Burning and swelling of eyelids

Pungent discharge from the eyes and inflammation of the conjunctiva

Sticky mucus on the cornea that is removed by winking

Continuous watering of the eye

Thick eye discharge that removes part of the tissue (excoriating)

Small blisters on the cornea. 

 This remedy acts mostly on the nervous system and helps treats symptoms such as convulsions and pain. Those who benefit from this remedy also experience the following symptoms:

  1. Flushed or swollen face
  2. Dilated pupils
  3. Throbbing pain in eyes on lying down
  4. Redness in the conjunctiva
  5. Dry eye

Hepar Sulphur: Hepar Sulphur is highly indicated in conditions that are associated with suppuration. Patients who benefit from this remedy suffer from thoughts of suicide and easily feel dejected and sad. They also experience symptoms like:

  1. Inflammation of iris (coloured part of the eye)
  2. Ulceration of cornea
  3. Red and inflamed eyes and lids
  4. Inflammation of conjunctiva with pus discharge
  5. Obscured vision and reduction of the field (area that a person can see) to one-half
  6. Seeing bright circles in front of the eyes
  7. The above symptoms worsen on exposure to cold air and get better in warmth.

Pulsatilla Pratensis: Pulsatilla is mainly a female remedy indicated in mild and gentle cases. Those who benefit from this remedy are timid, fear being alone, and tend to cry easily. They also exhibit other symptoms like:

  1. Increased secretion of mucus in the eyes with profuse lachrymation 
  2. Thick and yellow discharge from eyes
  3. Conjunctivitis accompanied by indigestion, causing discomfort in the upper abdomen
  4. Itching and burning of eyes 
  5. Frequent formation of styes
  6. Inflammation of the eyelids

Symptoms are aggravated by heat and warmth, and after eating fatty food. The patient feels better in open air, on application of cold compresses and consuming cold drinks.

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