male infertility

Male infertility: Causes, Treatment, and hope for future

Longing for a child can be overwhelming. There are couples out there who have conceived within a month or 6 months, and there are couples who haven’t been able to conceive from above more than a year. The main reason for this is infertility issues. If a male and female are having unprotected sexual intercourse for more than a year, and are unable to conceive, then both of them are having infertility issues.

In this article, we are going to talk about male infertility, its causes, and treatment. In this era, infertility is way more common. If you are diagnosed with any infertility issues, it doesn’t mean you won’t be able to conceive or have your own biological child. Medical science has progressed within decades, and due to the same advancement, fertility issues can be treated, and a couple can conceive their own biological child. Now there are thousands of medical treatments to cure fertility issues.

So let’s move on further with male infertility. Male infertility is a medical condition observed within billions of males, where a male is unable to impregnate a female. There are numerous causes of infertility in males, such as low sperm production, abnormal sperm functioning, and other medical issues. According to data, 1 in seven couples deals with fertility issues. The whole condition of male fertility can be stressful and frustrating. There are many underlying causes of infertility in both men and women. Thus, it is always advised to visit a doctor as a couple when you are unable to conceive.

Symptoms of Male infertility

The first and foremost visible symptom is unable to impregnate your female partner even after unprotected intercourse for over a year. This symptom is the most common symptom that denotes fertility issues. This is the most obvious sign of male infertility.

Numerous factors can contribute to male infertility, and if you are not alert enough, signs could go undiscovered. You can also be experiencing infertility problems as a result of underlying health difficulties, such as a hormone imbalance, hereditary ailment, dilated veins, etc. Therefore, it is always preferable to see a specialist and get both yourself and your spouse checked. If the correct care is delayed or unavailable, you may experience problems getting pregnant as well as during conception.

In this segment of the article, we will list the most common symptoms of male infertility. Keep reading!

  • The first symptom is very obvious and harsh to accept. You are unable to impregnate your partner.
  • You might be observing some abnormal sexual functioning. By this, we mean you might be having difficulty in ejaculation, or even if you are ejaculating, that might be in small proportion or smaller volumes.
  • Another symptom is all about your libido. You might be experiencing low sexual desire. And you might not be able to sustain the erection for a longer period. This is the most frustrating phenomenon.
  • You might observe pain, swelling, or even a lump in the testicle areas. Be vigilant towards your physical body.
  • This symptom might seem weird and abnormal, you might have difficulty smelling, or your sense of smell is degrading day by day.
  • Gynecomastia is a medical condition that is responsible for abnormal breast growth.
  • You might experience symptoms related to chromosomal or hormonal abnormality. For example, decreased density or growth of facial and body hair.
  • Your sperm count is lower than usual. To be more specific, your sperm specimen is recorded to have less than 15 million sperm per millimetre of semen or have a lesser sperm count of 39 million per ejaculation. This symptom can only be noticed or diagnosed when you go through the medical diagnosis of semen analysis.

The symptoms mentioned above are the most common symptoms of male infertility. Make sure you are observant towards your body and notice symptoms. It is always best to get yourself checked immediately if you have been experiencing these symptoms. If you think you are a victim of male infertility, then opting for homeopathy male infertility treatment is one of the best options.

Causes of male infertility

The process of male fertility is complex in nature. There are multiple causes responsible for the medical condition, such as male infertility. In this segment of the article, we will focus on the causes of male infertility. This whole segment is further divided into three major parts.

    1. Factors responsible for good fertility.
    2. Medical causes of male infertility.
  1. Lifestyle causes of male infertility
  2. Factors responsible for good fertility.
  3. Quality sperm production: One of the most important factors in fertility is the good and quality production of sperm. For quality sperm production, you need to have proper growth of reproductive organs during puberty. You need to have one of your testicles producing good quality sperm. At the same time, it should be functioning properly.
  4. Semen and sperm: If you have a good quality of sperm production, and if sperm is not getting mixed with semen and ejaculated, then there is a problem.
  5. Sperm count: If you have a low sperm count that is lower than 39 million per ejaculation, then you might be suffering from male infertility issues. 
  6. Sperm mobility: This factor again comes on the horizon of good quality sperm. Sperm mobility plays an important role in impregnating a female. If your sperm is abnormal and has less mobility, then your partner might not get pregnant.

  • Medical causes of male infertility

  • Varicocele: Varicocele is a medical condition causing swelling veins that is responsible for draining testicles. This is the most common cause of male infertility. The positive part of Varicocele is the reversible factor. The main cause of Varicocele is still unknown. Some professionals consider the abnormal flow of blood responsible for Varicocele.
  • Infection: Infection can be one of the reasons for male infertility. Infection in the body or in the reproductive system may temper the production of sperm or can lead to blockages. This infection is caused by inflammation of epididymitis or orchitis. Sexually transmitted infections such as gonorrhoea or HIV are also responsible for male infertility.
  • Ejaculation: You might be familiar with the term Retrograde ejaculation. Retrograde ejaculation happens when semen enters the bladder instead of ejaculation. Retrograde ejaculation can be caused by various underlying medical conditions such as diabetes, spinal injuries, bladder surgery, or surgery of the prostate or urethra.
  • Anti-sperm antibodies: As the name suggests, here antibodies consider sperm as a threat to the immune system and start attacking sperms.
  • Undescended Testicles: This phenomenon is of prenatal development of a male fetus. During this, one or both testicles fail to form the sac (testicle scrotum). If you have had this condition, then you might have an increased potential chance of male infertility.
  • Hormonal imbalance: Hormones play a major role in fertility. If you are suffering from hormonal imbalance, then you might be at risk of male infertility. Low testosterone and lower libido etc., are the symptoms of hormonal imbalances.
  • Damaged tubes: The tubes are responsible for transferring sperm from testicles and mixing them with semen during ejaculation. If these tubes are either blocked or damaged due to injury, surgery, physical trauma, and abnormal development of cystic fibrosis, then you might experience male infertility.

  • Chromosome Defects: Male infertility can also be caused by chromosome defects such as Klinefelter’s syndrome. These abnormal chromosome defects cause abnormal growth of reproductive organs. 
  • Hurdles during sexual intercourse: The erection is the primary aspect of this. Premature ejaculation, painful intercourse, and a variety of other factors, including faulty physiology and hypospadias, may all contribute to your inability to get or maintain an erection (having a urethral opening beneath the penis). Sexual desire and erections may also be caused by psychological issues.
  • Celiac diseases: Celiac diseases come under the horizon of digestive disorders. Celiac diseases can be caused by protein found in wheat. Celiac disease is also one of the factors responsible for male infertility.
  • Lifestyle causes of infertility.
  • Drug or substance abuse
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Tobacco smoking
  • Obesity
  • Increased stress levels

This unhealthy lifestyle severely affects the hormones and is responsible for male infertility. Alcohol, consumption of anabolic steroids, other drugs, and over-the-counter drugs can cause lower quality sperm production and also be responsible for low sperm mobility.

Treatments of male infertility

The world of medicinal science and alternative medicinal sciences has evolved a lot during the past decades. If you are suffering from male infertility, you don’t need to worry about the treatment. You can choose allopathy or can opt for homoeopathy male infertility treatment. 

Allopathy treatments for male infertility

  • Surgery once the cause is diagnosed, then you might be able to get it rectified through surgery.
  • Treating infections
  • Medical treatment for sexual intercourse problems.
  • Treatments for hormonal imbalances
  • Assisted reproductive technology.

Homoeopathy male infertility treatment is considered to be 100% safe and effective when it comes to hormonal imbalances, sperm production, and even sexual intercourse problems.

Future hopes:

Male infertility is a very common condition. The medical sciences have progressed a lot. Thus, you can get your condition of male infertility treated and then can have your own biological child. The only thing you need to do from your end is to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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