- #1 Homeopathy Doctor in Pune, India
Best Autism Treatment in Pune
Dr. Tathed’s Homeopathy Clinic offers gentle, efficient, and holistic homeopathic autism treatment in Pune. Our doctors and healthcare experts offer the best autism treatment in Pune with the help of safe and sustainable homeopathy.
Autism is a fairly common mental disorder in the country but is rarely addressed and talked about in the open. Moreover, kids suffering from autism are often ostracised by society and are not made to feel included.
As a trusted autism doctor in Pune, Dr. Girish Tathed takes all these factors into consideration while treating his patients with homeopathy.
Before understanding the role of homeopathy in treating autism, let us briefly understand the disorder, its symptoms, and its causes.
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Dr. Girish Tathed Honored as Best Autism Homeopathy Doctor
We are proud to announce that Dr. Girish Tathed has been awarded the title of Best Autism Homeopathy Doctor at the Lokmat Professional Icon Awards 2024. This prestigious award recognizes his exceptional contributions and dedication to improving the lives of individuals with autism through homeopathic treatment.
Watch Dr. Girish Tathed on IBC24 TV: Exploring Homeopathy’s Impact on Autism
Watch SAAM TV’s Exclusive Interview with Dr. Tathed: Effective Homeopathy for Autism!
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What Is Autism?
Autism is a brain disorder in children related to neural development disorder. It impacts the manner in which a child interacts with others and functions in society. Kids with autism have poor and impaired communication skills and find it difficult to fit in.
Most cases of autism become apparent in the first three years of a child’s life. However, some cases of mild autism may become apparent during the early schooling days of the patient.
It is common for autism to be confused with a psychiatric illness. However, that is certainly not the case. Essentially, autism is a case of neural development disorder that leads to impaired verbal and non-verbal communication along with repetitive behaviour.
What Are The Symptoms Of Autism?
Autism has a wide range of spectrums which differ for different patients. While these symptoms may vary in degree for different patients, some patients may experience a combination of different autism symptoms.

Here are some of the key symptoms of autism
Kids with autism often struggle with fitting in and being a part of social gatherings. They make little to no eye contact and resist being touched or held by another person. Moreover, they have an impaired sense of personal space and often tend to get very close to people while talking to them. While autism patients are not completely unresponsive to social interactions, they would never initiate them.
The impaired social skills also prevent autistic patients from sharing observations and experiences with people. They have difficulty in understanding jokes, sarcasm, and figures of speech to respond adequately to them. Autistic kids also have difficulty reading facial expressions and judging the body movements of people around them, leaving them clueless on several occasions.
Autism patients find it difficult to take part in group conversations as they are unable to understand the basic rules of a conversation and find it difficult to read the emotions of others in the group. This is why they prefer being left alone and undisturbed by anyone. If at all they do engage in a conversation with people, they tend to talk only about one or two topics over and over again.
Kids suffering from autism often struggle with abnormal use of pitch, rhythm, intonation, and stress while talking. They find it difficult to articulate what they have in mind in understandable language. They are either completely quiet or abnormally loud as they face difficulty whispering.
Poor language development often makes kids with autism emit verbal sounds while listening to people talk. They keep repeating the last words and phrases of sentences multiple times and often talk in short and incomplete sentences. They also find it difficult to understand directional terms like “front”, “back”, “before, “after”, etc.
The behaviour of kids with autism is slightly different from the rest as they keep obsessing over specific ideas, objects, or desires over time. Some patients develop compulsive or ritualistic behaviour patterns like licking, sniffing, flapping arms, humming, rubbing clothes, sucking thumbs, and more.
Kids with autism often have an obsession with rotation and rotatory objects. They can develop an unusual attachment with objects which it becomes difficult to explain. Moreover, they find it difficult to perceive potentially dangerous situations, making them prone to danger.
Kids with autism often struggle with feeling and expressing emotions. They develop a lack of sensitivity to sounds, tastes, textures, smells, or light. They may be sensitive to loud and sudden sounds as well. Kids with autism often resist any change in their environment with respect to people, places, or objects.
However, they can be calmed by external stimulation like the sound if used well. Other stimuli used for calming down kids with autism include brushing, constant pressure, and rotating objects.
Kids suffering from autism find it very difficult to learn new things and concepts. While they have exceptionally high skills in certain areas, they are extremely weak in others. In some cases, autistic kids have excellent rote memory and can memorise a lot more effectively than others.
However, they often face difficulty in reading comprehension. While they can quote an answer, they are not able to predict and summarise what they read. They also have difficulty identifying and understanding the symbolism.
Kids with autism often have a limited attention span while learning new lessons. Their resistance to following directions makes it difficult for them to learn new lessons with ease. This is also why kids with autism face difficulties in transitioning from one activity to another while studying in school.
Kids suffering from autism often walk on their toes and have unusual gaits. They find it difficult to change from one type of surface to another, such as moving from wood to grass or from sidewalk to grass. They also find it difficult to have a sense of space and end up bumping into people and objects.
The gross motor skills of kids with autism are not as developed as their peers, making it difficult for them to run, skate, or ride a bike. Moreover, they have impaired fine motor skills that affect activities like writing with hands, tying shoelaces, using scissors, and more.

What Are The Causes Of Autism?
The precise cause of autism is still not known to doctors and medical experts. The latest research on the matter has suggested that there is a combination of genetic and environmental factors leading to the cause of autism. While genetic factors are transferred over generations, environmental factors affect the brain development of a child before, during, or soon after birth.
Treating Autism With Homeopathy
When it comes to treating autism, homeopathy is not the first solution that comes to your mind. However, Dr. Tathed’s Homeopathy Clinic offers the best homeopathic autism treatment in Pune for kids suffering from the brain disorder. Dr. Girish Tathed is a trusted autism specialist in Pune and uses the gentle approach of homeopathy for tackling the issue.
Our doctors and healthcare professionals ensure that mild autism is completely treated and more severe cases are brought under control using homeopathy. Homeopathic medicines help doctors to reduce sensory issues, control speech delays and tackle general developmental delays in kids with autism. Holistic homeopathic treatment is used for treating hyperactivity and bringing positivity into the lives of the patients.
Our homeopathic autism treatment in Pune is known for dealing with the disorder as well as the mental health of the patients. Being troubled by society, kids with autism often feel neglected and develop other issues like depression and anxiety. We provide such patients with a friendly environment and help them cope with their issues by being someone they can talk to.
Moreover, our homeopathic treatment for autism is personalized and depends on a range of factors like specific symptoms, the severity of symptoms, other medical issues, family medical history, disposition of the patient, and more. Depending on these factors, we design a treatment that best suits the concerned patient and helps them tackle autism in the best way possible.
Homeopathic Medicines For Autism
Aesthusa Cynapium is prescribed to patients with symptoms related to the brain and the nervous system. It helps autistic patients to reduce the feeling of restlessness, anxiety, uneasiness, and the tendency of getting violent. The medicine is also used for fixing the issue of impaired attention and the inability to think straight.
This homeopathic medicine is prescribed for kids suffering from autism who sing while talking and do not answer properly. It is used for controlling the issue of excessive singing, shouting, and muttering rhymes for no reason. The medicine is also used to calm the patients if they have a tendency to talk continuously and jump from one topic to another without taking a break. It helps us curb extensive mental excitement and incoherent talking that goes on for too long.
Baryta Carb is prescribed for autism patients suffering from weak memory and shyness. It helps us control the patients’ aversion to strangers and the tendency to hide to avoid social interactions.
This is a homeopathic medicine prescribed for mild cases of autism where the patient is sympathetic, affectionate, and sensitive to reprimands. It is often given to children who are slow but agreeable with an active interest in art forms like singing, drawing, painting, etc.
Dr. Tathed's Homeopathy Autism Case Study
Case Story: A-353
Topic: Boy with Autism and Delayed Speech
Age: 2.5 years
- The boy could only say letters and simple words like ‘take’, ‘give’, ‘sit’, etc.
- He wasn’t making sentences that made sense.
- Eating dairy products caused him to have difficulty going to the toilet.
Background: The boy was born full term with no problems during birth. His growth and learning were normal until he was one year old. But when he had to stay home because of the lockdown, he began to prefer being alone. Even though he started speech therapy, it didn’t seem to help. He had also been sick with pneumonia in the past.
Physical Details: The boy has a good appetite and drinks a lot. He gets cranky if he’s hungry. He likes spicy foods and sweets, but milk and sweets cause him to become constipated. He sleeps soundly and sweats from his head.
Personality: The boy is generally a happy child. However, he cries if things don’t go his way, and he can become irritable when he’s hungry or tired. He likes to move around a lot and has a stubborn streak. If he gets angry, he might roll around on the floor, but he won’t throw things because he understands they’re valuable. He’s a caring child, trying to comfort others if they’re upset. He likes to keep things clean and tidy, and he enjoys sharing his things. He enjoys wandering, dancing, and drawing. He is cautious about his safety and doesn’t like the dark.
Treatment: After understanding the boy’s condition, a specific medicine was given to him.
- After a month, the boy started to try talking more, and his understanding seemed to be better. He was still speaking in letters.
- As time went on, his speech continued to improve. He was trying to say new words and seemed to understand things better.
- He felt a lot better overall. He was speaking better and repeating words less often. He was saying words that made sense and seemed to understand more. He had also started school and was doing well with other kids.
- His speech kept improving. He started making better sentences, and his teacher said he was doing well in school. He also had a sharp memory.
- His speech and understanding were much better. He was behaving normally.
Case Story: A-965
Age: 6 years old boy
Background: The boy displayed certain behaviors like hand flapping and poor eye contact. He also had a habit of laughing inappropriately. Attempts were made to correct these behaviors through therapy, but there wasn’t much improvement.
Main Issues:
- He was very active and would often jump around.
- He laughed during nighttime and flapped his hands when he was excited.
- His eye contact was not good.
- If anyone took something away from him, he would become aggressive, especially towards his mother and grandmother.
- He had difficulty writing.
- Despite having a sharp memory and understanding things well, he often didn’t obey instructions and would act deliberately defiant.
- His speech was unclear and he couldn’t form sentences well.
- He had a tendency to wander around and was quite stubborn.
- He sometimes spat on people and had once spat on his teacher.
- He had a peculiar habit of holding and smelling his genitals.
Medical History: He developed normally in his early years and showed no side effects from vaccinations. However, he had neonatal jaundice right after birth and had pneumonia when he was 3.
Personality: The boy was gentle and got attached to people easily, even strangers. He was very caring and looked after those who were ill. He rarely showed anger and liked to keep things tidy. He willingly shared his toys with others. Fearless in nature, he wasn’t afraid of jumping from heights or entering dark rooms alone. He enjoyed listening to and singing rhymes, and was fond of drawing. When happy, he expressed it by jumping and laughing. He had a notable amount of sweat on his scalp.
Treatment: After thoroughly understanding his case, appropriate homeopathy medicine was prescribed.
Progress Reports:
First Check-up:
- Better eye contact.
- Still very active.
- Increased appetite.
- Improved understanding, but still spitting, jumping, and laughing at night.
- Didn’t show much interest in studying.
- Normal stools.
- Sleep was brief but deep.
Second Check-up:
- Reduced hyperactivity.
- Significant improvement in eye contact.
- Decreased hand flapping and better understanding.
- Reduced spitting.
- Occasionally played with his private part during sleep.
- There was twitching in his left eye.
- Laughter during nighttime had decreased.
Third Check-up:
- Clearer speech.
- Better eye contact and understanding.
- Reduced throwing objects and spitting.
- Less hyperactive and less aggressive.
Fourth Check-up:
- Overall, felt much better.
- Clearer speech and less hyperactivity.
- Improved eye contact and socialization.
- Good appetite and normal bowel movements.
Topic: Boy with Mild Autism and Delayed Speech
Age: 3.5 years
- Limited to single-word speech and constant repetition of words.
- Poor eye contact, mainly with parents.
- Hyperactivity and inability to sit still.
- Self-harm tendencies when scolded.
- Limited social interaction and understanding.
- Constant runny nose.
The boy was born with complications, including an umbilical cord wrapped around his neck and oligohydramnios, requiring vacuum extraction. His speech and walking milestones were delayed. He has a particular set of fears, including heights and doctors, and exhibits stubborn and easily angered behavior.
Physical Details:
The boy has normal urine and toilet habits. He is generally mild by nature but can become irritable. He enjoys observing his surroundings and has a love for travel. He lacks a sense of caring and is messy in his habits.
The boy is generally mild but can become irritable if things don’t go his way. He has a tendency to self-harm when frustrated. He enjoys observing doors, walls, and other aspects of his environment. He loves to travel but has a set of fears, including heights and doctors. He is stubborn and easily angered when things don’t go his way.
After a thorough understanding of the boy’s condition, specific homeopathic medicine was administered to address his symptoms and improve his overall well-being.
Follow-Up 1:
- Improvement in babbling and a decrease in hyperactivity.
- Better eye contact and increased socialization with friends.
Follow-Up 2:
- Further reduction in hyperactivity.
- Improved socialization, including physical touch with friends.
- Enhanced understanding of his surroundings.
Follow-Up 3:
- Overall better feeling and significant improvement in eye contact.
- Better obedience to commands.
Follow-Up 4:
- Continued improvement in eye contact and increased playtime with friends.
- Enhanced understanding and speech showing signs of improvement.
- Started eating on his own.
The boy has shown significant improvement in various developmental and behavioral aspects since beginning treatment at Dr. Tathed’s Homeopathy Clinic. The treatment continues to be promising, and the child is making steady progress.
Case No: A-1613
Patient Profile:
- Age: 5 years
- Sex: Male
Presenting Complaints:
- Behavioral shift at age 3 from calm to stubborn and irritable.
- Limited verbal communication; uses single words instead of sentences.
- High levels of activity; unable to stay still, restless.
- Excessive sweating.
- Wakes up early but follows instructions well.
- Stubbornness evident in throwing and breaking objects when angry.
- Sociable; shares belongings and enjoys bathing multiple times a day.
- Increased irritability when hungry.
- Enjoys dancing and has a keen interest in aesthetics such as perfume and hairstyles.
Physical and Developmental Observations:
- Delayed developmental milestones.
- No adverse reactions to vaccinations.
- Family history of asthma and hypothyroidism.
- Preference for loose clothing; adverse to tight-fitting garments.
- Habits include thumb sucking and teeth grinding.
Treatment and Follow-Ups:
First Follow-Up (After one month):
- A decrease in irritability, though crying when reprimanded by parents.
- Speech unchanged; hyperactivity slightly improved.
- Better appetite, normal bowel movements, and improved sleep.
Second Follow-Up:
- Decreased appetite in the past four days; expresses distaste for medication.
- Slight improvement in speech; irritability and hyperactivity increased again.
- Normal bowel function and sleep.
Third Follow-Up:
- Overall improvement felt; irritability and stubborn behavior decreased.
- Rolling on the floor behavior reduced; attending school.
- Experiences cold and cough episodes.
- Appetite improved; hyperactivity decreased.
Fourth Follow-Up:
- Noticeable speech improvement; reduced irritability.
- Decreased stubbornness and less rolling on the floor.
- Normal activity level; cold and cough symptoms improved.
- Stable weight, better appetite, and sleep.
Concluding Remarks: Considering the patient’s history and presenting symptoms, a homeopathic treatment plan was initiated, resulting in gradual improvements in speech, behavior, and hyperactivity. Despite fluctuations in progress, the overall trend indicates positive responses to the interventions. The case continues to be monitored to consolidate gains and address any residual or recurring symptoms.
Case Story: A-156
Topic: Boy with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Age: 3.5 years
- The boy could only say a few words and couldn’t form sentences.
- He knows how to spell words and names, but doesn’t call his parents ‘mom’ or ‘dad’.
- He could concentrate well.
- When he wanted something, he pointed at it or took someone to it.
- He often had coughs and colds and had taken many antibiotics.
- He was picky about what he ate.
Background: The boy was developing normally until he was 1.5 years old. He was even beginning to say a few words. But then, when the lockdown began and he spent more time on screens, he stopped socializing. Doctors checked his hearing and found it was normal. Pediatricians suggested speech and occupational therapies. After these therapies, he started saying words again, but only when he needed something. He wasn’t forming meaningful sentences.
About the Boy: He is usually calm and okay with meeting new people, but doesn’t interact much. He shares his toys with other kids. But when he doesn’t get what he wants, he can’t control his anger. He might scream, throw things, or even scratch someone. He has a good memory and knows his alphabets and numbers. He can even write. He observes his surroundings well but is restless and can’t sit in one place for a long time. He enjoys drawing and dancing.
Treatment: After understanding the boy’s condition, a specific medicine was given to him.
- After a month, he started babbling again.
- As time went on, he started to understand more and seemed more aware. He also started trying to talk.
- His understanding kept improving. He followed instructions and started exploring new things. He continued trying to talk.
- He started going to daycare and was doing well with the other kids. He started repeating words and trying to speak. He followed instructions, even when scolded, and his understanding and concentration improved.
- His speech kept improving, and he repeated words more clearly. He followed instructions well and was starting to socialize a little.
- At school, he behaved well. He sat quietly, listened, and understood well. He was socializing with other kids and forming short sentences when needed.
Case Story: 8053
Age: 2.6 years old boy
Condition: Autism Spectrum Disorder
Background & Behavior:
- Doesn’t follow commands.
- Delayed speech, though eye contact is decent.
- Sleep is disrupted easily; he wakes from the slightest noise.
- His understanding is not on par with his age.
- Dislikes crowded places.
- Good appetite but tends to swallow food without chewing.
- Drinks water frequently and feels warm.
- Normal bowel movements.
Personality & Habits:
- Displays anger by rolling on the floor and often drops his head backwards.
- Writes spontaneously and occasionally paints.
- Stubborn and prefers doing things his way.
- Enjoys wandering, dancing, and coloring.
- Fearless to a fault; he often climbs on windows and doesn’t hesitate to jump from heights.
Medical History:
- The child was delivered through a Caesarean section due to a breech position.
- Only received vaccinations at birth.
Treatment: After a comprehensive analysis of his case, appropriate medicine was prescribed.
Progress Reports:
First Check-up (a month later):
- Overall improvement in well-being.
- Enhanced understanding.
- Initiation of speech, beginning to say words.
- Better responsiveness and maintains good eye contact with parents but less so with strangers.
- Improvement in sleep pattern.
- More sociable.
Second Check-up:
- Slight improvement in speech, now speaks a few words.
- Better understanding.
- Toilet habits still need improvement.
Third Check-up:
- Feeling better overall.
- Improved understanding and compliance to instructions.
- Better speech, beginning to repeat words.
- Increased crankiness and irritability.
- Normal activity level.
Fourth Check-up:
- Significant overall improvement.
- Clearer speech, now repeats sentences.
- Better at following instructions and enhanced understanding.
- Improved eye contact.
- More socially interactive.
- Proper toilet habits.
- Continues to write.
Topic: Boy with Mild Autism, Delayed Speech, and ADHD
Age: 4.1 years
- Stubbornness and repetitive actions.
- Poor toilet and urine habits.
- Limited speech, restricted to single-letter words.
- Clinging to mother.
- Slightly better eye contact compared to typical autism cases.
The boy has a family history of diabetes mellitus and cardiac problems. All his milestones are normal, and vaccinations have been administered as per schedule. He has a good appetite but shows hunger intolerance. He is thermally hot and has profuse perspiration. He has a desire to eat sweets and spicy food.
Physical Details:
- Good appetite but intolerant to hunger.
- Thirsty and sweats profusely.
- Thermally hot.
The boy is irritable, stubborn, and emotional but has a sharp memory. He loves animals and likes to wander. He has an angry nature and a fear of darkness.
After a comprehensive case analysis, specific medicines were prescribed to address his symptoms and improve his overall well-being.
Follow-Up 1:
- Overall feeling of well-being.
- Reduced stubbornness.
- Initiation of babbling.
- Urine and toilet habits remain unchanged.
- Started imitating things he sees.
Follow-Up 2:
- Continued feeling of well-being.
- Improved eye contact.
- Increased sitting tolerance.
- Improved following of instructions and commands.
- Babbling has improved.
- Urine habits have improved, but toilet habits remain the same.
Follow-Up 3:
- Overall feeling of well-being.
- Improved eye contact.
- Excitement to visit new places.
- Reduced stubbornness and hyperactivity.
- Improved following of commands and instructions.
- Can now urinate on his own, but toilet habits remain the same.
Follow-Up 4:
- Overall feeling of well-being.
- Significant improvement in eye contact.
- Initiation of speech, now speaks in words.
- Reduced hyperactivity.
- Both toilet and urine habits have improved.
The boy has shown significant improvement in various developmental and behavioral aspects since beginning treatment. The treatment continues to be promising, and the child is making steady progress.
Autism and Diet : Finding the Right Dietary Approaches
At Dr. Tathed’s Homeopathy Clinic, we understand that diet can play an important role in managing autism spectrum disorder (ASD). While there is no specific “autism diet”, research shows that certain dietary interventions may help improve some symptoms for some individuals.
Common dietary approaches that may be beneficial include:
Removing gluten and casein has been shown to help with gastrointestinal issues, focus, and behavior in some children with ASD.
Limiting processed foods and emphasizing fruits, vegetables, fish, and healthy fats may reduce inflammation linked to ASD behaviors.
High fat, low carb diets have been found to potentially decrease autism symptoms like irritability and hyperactivity in some cases.
Improving gut health with probiotics or enzymes can alleviate gastrointestinal problems commonly associated with ASD.
Correcting any nutritional deficiencies with supplements tailored to the individual’s needs may support ASD management.
Identifying and eliminating problem food allergens could improve autism behaviors and skills. Common culprits are dairy, wheat, eggs, soy, nuts, etc.
It is important to keep in mind that no single diet will work for every child with autism. We recommend consulting with both a physician and registered dietitian knowledgeable about ASD to develop a customized nutrition plan if diet interventions are being considered. Certain diets may pose risks if not implemented safely and with supervision. Our clinic provides evidence-based dietary guidance for patients with autism to improve health, behaviors, and development. Contact us today to learn more about our autism diet and nutrition services.
Parenting a Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Here at Dr. Tathed’s Homeopathy Clinic, we know that parenting a child with autism comes with its own unique rewards and challenges. While every child with autism is different, there are some key strategies that can help create a supportive home environment.
Having patience and understanding for your child’s needs is essential. Recognize their communication difficulties, sensory sensitivities, and need for consistency. Celebrate small victories and allow your child to develop at their own pace.
Children with autism tend to thrive on routine. Develop a structured schedule for meals, activities, and sleep. Use visual cues like picture schedules to help your child know what to expect. Avoid abrupt changes whenever possible.
Find ways to develop your child’s communication abilities through picture exchange systems, sign language, assistive technology and simple picture cards. Respond to all communication attempts, even unconventional ones.
Work with therapists to implement positive behavior support strategies. Redirect repetitive behaviors or meltdowns, reinforce desired behaviors, and teach appropriate ways to communicate needs.
Managing autism requires an interdisciplinary approach. Work closely with your child’s medical team, therapists, and educators to align on strategies and goals that are in your child’s best interest. Share your perspective as the primary caregiver.
Don’t forget to take time for yourself. Social support from other parents, friends, and family is invaluable. Seek respite care when needed. Your wellbeing directly benefits your child too.
Every parent wants to see their child succeed. With the right support and coping strategies in place, you can help your child on the autism spectrum thrive at home.
Frequently Ask Questions About Autism
Autism is typically identified through a combination of behavioral observations, developmental screenings, and comprehensive diagnostic evaluations. Symptoms can vary greatly but often include challenges with social interactions, communication, and repetitive behaviors.
NO, at Dr. Tathed’s Homeopathy Clinic, we do not conduct assessment tests , however behavior and symptoms are studied in depth which helps to recognize the severity of the condition.
The exact cause of autism is not known. However, it’s generally believed to be a combination of genetic, environmental, and neurological factors. No single cause has been identified.
However , Following factors could be reasons for autism.
- Advanced parental age at time of conception
- Changes in some Genes
- Prenatal exposure to air pollution or certain pesticides
- Maternal obesity, diabetes, or immune system disorders
- Extreme prematurity or very low birth weight
- Any birth difficulty leading to periods of oxygen deprivation to the baby’s brain.
- Early and excessive exposure to T.V, mobile etc.
As per conventional medicine there is no cure , however , we at Dr Tathed’s homeopathy , believe that homeopathy is a ray of hope for all autistic kids and parents , and significant improvement can be seen with proper homeopathic treatment and therapies . Also in some cases recovery has been so satisfactory that the role of therapies have been reduced as well
Homeopathy aims to treat the individual as a whole, rather than just focusing on the symptoms of autism. It can help in managing behavioral symptoms, improve social interaction, and overall well-being.
Homeopathy is generally considered safe when administered by a qualified practitioner. Side effects are rare and typically mild if they do occur.
This can vary from patient to patient. Some may experience a temporary exacerbation of symptoms before they start improving , but it’s very rare and even the aggravation is transient.
We provide individualized homeopathic treatment plans tailored to each patient’s symptoms and needs.
After taking careful note of the symptoms, we recommend homoeopathic remedies. Medicines are administered to aid in brain growth. The child’s social awareness develops with the help of medications. His other sensory and motor impairments gradually improve.
Along with medications, we give a diet tailored specifically for autistic children, which aids in general mental and physical development.
We also guide parents how to care for their autistic children.
Though we can’t guarantee outcomes, many children with autism do make significant progress in communication skills with appropriate homeopathic treatment.
Yes, you can continue with therapies and allopathic medicine in addition to homeopathic medications. It is safe to take in conjunction with other medications. With homeopathic medicines, as symptoms improve, the child’s need for these therapies might reduce.
A half-hour interval between homeopathic and other medications is recommended.
While autism does have a genetic component, it is not guaranteed that a second child will also have autism. However, the risk is generally higher compared to families without a history of autism.According to one estimate, parents of children with ASDs have a 2%–8% probability of having another child with this diagnosis. Another commonly used statistic claims that families with one autistic child have a one in 20 chance of having a second child with the condition.
You can get treatment without needing to travel if you book an online consultation. Because most autistic children are restless and hyperactive, online counselling saves time and allows you to provide history from the comfort of your own home. Autistic children are also distressed because they are uncomfortable in new environments and cannot sit for lengthy periods of time. During visits, it can be difficult for mother to provide a complete history as it takes roughly at least 2 hours for complete case – taking
Steps to book an online appointment are already given –
Regular follow-up appointments will be scheduled to assess progress and make any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan.
After completing your course, you can have your medications delivered to your door. Contact us one week before your last medications gets finished , and a senior assistant doctor will conduct a thorough follow-up over the phone. They will take note of any changes in your condition. The doctor then discusses your follow-up with Sir, and your next medications are sent with his approval.
Shipping is free all over india
You can also come by during clinic hours. For follow-up, no appointment is necessary; simply walk in. just call the clinic prior for timings of the doctors
The duration varies from patient to patient, depending on the severity of symptoms and how well they respond to treatment. However it is advised to take at least 18-24 months of treatment for best results
- Autism is not caused by malnutrition or diet-related issues, however there is a link between autism and diet.
- The vagus nerve connects the gut to the brain in our nervous system. This acts as a highway, transporting impulses and neurotransmitters (chemicals that regulate our thinking and mood) between the brain and the gut.
- Certain food items like sugar , gluten ,casein , certain lentils etc irritates this passage leading to increase irritability and anger in children
Diet plays a significant role in overall well-being and can also affect the symptoms of autism. Special diets, like gluten-free or casein-free diets, are usually recommended.
While professional diagnosis is crucial, certain early warning signs, like lack of eye contact or delayed speech, can be observed at home.
Educating oneself about autism can help parents make informed decisions about treatments and manage day-to-day challenges. Books, online resources, and parent support groups are good places to start.
Yes, homeopathic treatment can be beneficial for individuals with autism at any age.
- Autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can resemble one another quite a bit. Both conditions might cause focusing issues in kids. They may lack patience or have trouble communicating.
- Despite having many of the same symptoms, the two conditions are different from one another.
- Children with autism find it difficult to concentrate on activities they find boring, such as reading a book
- While children with ADHD frequently dislike and avoid activities that require concentration.
- Autism children lack age-appropriate social reciprocity or back-and-forth exchanges, but ADHD children have them.
You can indeed have both ADHD and autism. In fact, ADHD symptoms are frequently present in ASD individuals, making these two disorders common coexisting conditions. The opposite is not true, either; only around 25% of kids with ADHD also show signs of ASD. It’s also crucial to remember that, despite the fact that it is possible to have both, autism and ADHD are two different conditions.
Although some signs of autism can worsen as a child becomes older and more challenged, but autism does not get worse with age.
It can seem that autism is becoming worse with age, especially as a kid approaches adolescence, but this could be due to the added social pressures and mood swings that teenagers are prone to.
Parental disagreements, tension in the extended family, working women, ineffective parenting, and other variables may undoubtedly hinder a child’s development, just as they do for children who are not autistic, but they do not cause autism. There is nothing a parent or carer can do to bring about the condition.

Dr. Tathed's Homeopathy | #1 Homeopathy Doctor in Pune
Dr. Girish Tathed is an award-winning homeopathy doctor in Pune with an experience of more than two decades in the industry. Over the course of several years, Dr. Tathed has helped several patients recover from a plethora of different diseases and made them lead healthy lives. With an interest in homeopathy since his school days, Dr. Girish Tathed has always been passionate about alternative medicine and its efficiency in the healthcare sector.
He is also an active and vocal advocate of homeopathy with the intention of spreading awareness about its benefits and inspiring the younger generations to practice the same.
Along with treating his patients with suitable diagnoses, medicines, and treatments, the homeopathy doctor in Pune gives a lot of importance to being a good listener and companion to his patients. Especially while dealing with cases that involve mental disorders and trauma, Dr. Tathed ensures that his patients have someone to confide in and talk to, ultimately tending to their mental well-being. For his expertise in the domain and the results achieved over multiple decades, Dr. Tathed has won the Best Homeopathy Doctor award from Asian News. Visit the link below to see noteworthy mentions by leading media houses.
For appointment please call @ 020 27455480 / +91 9405 435 981
Online consultation available, medicine can be delivered worldwide.
Dr. Tathed’s Homeopathy Clinic Location – https://goo.gl/maps/2mkrgm4nMNoptHW68