Opening Hours
Mon - Sat: 10:00 - 19:00
Home / Fibroadenoma
Do you experience pain in the breast?
Do you feel a lump of kind of thing which in movable & soft in nature?
Is the lump painful on touch?
If yes, then you may be suffering from Fibroadenoma of breast
A fibroadenoma is a very common benign (not cancer) breast condition. Fibroadenomas often develop during fuberty so are mostly found in young women, but can occur in women of any age.
Symptoms of fibroadenoma:
The most common symptom is a lump in the breast which usually moves when you touch.
- There may be one or multiple lumps.
- They are painful and sometimes painless.
- The humorous often how rubbuy fall.
- No exact cause of fibroadenoma are known.
- Hormones such as oestrogen may play a part in the growth & development of tumours.
- Taking oral contraceptives is associated a higher risk of developing fibroadenoma.
Homeopathic Remedis
- Calc than corneum, Silicea, carbo-animal, phytolacca sulphur, etc.
- Calcium cure-Calc. fluoride, calc.caub, wdum Bouirta.
- Calc.theorica: This is one of the best remedies for fibroadenoma of breast. The lump is hard, solitary, movable in nature.
- Conium: One of the best medicine for fibroadenoma of breast. The lump is stony hardness in nature gland harden and gets sore.
- Iodum: Effective medicine fibroadenoma Breast in hard, enlarged, modular & inflamed. The mammae feels heavy.
- Phytolacca: One of the good remedies for fibroadenoma of breast. Lumps are hard in nature. Heaviness of the glands scrolling of the mammae. Crarlled nipples with obesity.
For appointment please call @ 020 27455480 / +91 9405 435 981
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat: 10:00 - 19:00