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Female Infertility
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Female Infertility
Female infertility is a fairly sensitive health complication that is not discussed openly across the country. Despite being aware of the issue, people are either ignorant about it or do not know the right solution to tackle it. Dr Tathed’s Homeopathy provides a 100% natural diagnosis and treatment of female infertility using homeopathy. The trusted homeopathy clinic comprises the best female infertility specialists in Pune to help women deal with infertility issues in a safe and sensitive manner.

What Is Female Infertility?
Simply put, female infertility is the inability of a woman to get pregnant despite frequent unprotected sexual intercourse with her partner for at least a year.
Taking couples into consideration, issues regarding infertility occur due to factors involving females for about 1/3rd of the time and both males and females for around another 1/3. For the remaining cases, the causes are either unknown or are due to a combination of multiple factors.
It is often difficult to diagnose the precise cause of female infertility as the cases are widely different from each other. The treatments offered by female infertility specialists vary depending on the cause and symptoms of the case at hand. There are also cases where couples end up conceiving eventually without seeking any medical help.
However, it is advisable to consult a female infertility specialist under the following conditions depending on your age:
- If you are younger than 35 years of age and have tried getting pregnant for at least a year
- If you are between 35 and 40 years of age and have tried getting pregnant for six months
- If you are above 40 years of age and have not been able to conceive yet
Infertility doctors would often advise immediate treatments to women having a history of irregular or painful periods, repeated miscarriages, cancer treatment, pelvic inflammatory disease, or endometriosis.
Conditions To Be Met For Female Fertility
For a successful pregnancy to occur, the following stages occur and conditions are met without any hassles:
- At least one ovary releases a mature egg
- The fallopian tube picks up the egg
- Sperm goes up the cervix through the uterus and reaches the egg in the fallopian tube for fertilization
- Once the egg is fertilized, it reaches the uterus down the fallopian tube
- The fertilized egg attaches itself to the inner lining of the uterus and starts growing

Major Causes Of Female Infertility
Female infertility can be caused due to a range of different factors affecting any of the conditions and steps mentioned above. Here are some of the major causes that may make you seek help from a female infertility specialist:
Ovulation disorders are some of the most common causes of female infertility, resulting in infrequent or a complete lack of ovulation. Ovulation disorders are often caused by issues with the regulation of reproductive hormones secreted by the hypothalamus or the pituitary gland.
Here are some common ovulation disorders that may cause female infertility:
- Hypothalamic Dysfunction – The follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and the luteinizing hormone (LH) are the two hormones produced by the pituitary gland that is responsible for ovulation on a monthly basis. Extreme emotional or physical stress, extremely high or low body weight, and abnormal weight gain or loss can impair ovulation by affecting these hormones.
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) – PCOS is a health complication that causes a hormonal imbalance in women, thereby affecting ovulation. PCOS is often associated with abnormal growth of hair on the body, acne, obesity, and insulin resistance.
- Premature Ovarian Failure – Also known as primary ovarian insufficiency, this issue is generally caused by a premature loss of eggs or an autoimmune response due to genetics or chemotherapy. As this prevents the ovary from producing eggs, it reduces the production of oestrogen in women under 40 years of age.
- Excess Prolactin – If the pituitary gland releases excessive prolactin, it reduces the production of oestrogen in women, increasing the chances of infertility. Also known as hyperprolactinemia, the condition can also be caused due to medications taken for other conditions.
Damage to the fallopian tubes of women is known as tubal infertility. In this condition, blocked or damaged fallopian tubes prevent sperms from reaching the egg for fertilization. It may also block the way of a fertilized egg reaching the uterus.
Here are the two major causes of tubal infertility:
- Pelvic Inflammatory Disease – This is an infection in the fallopian tubes and uterus caused due to gonorrhoea, chlamydia, or other STDs.
- Surgeries – Tubal infertility can also be caused due to surgeries performed in the abdominal or pelvic region of a woman.
Endometriosis is a condition that occurs when the tissue that typically grows in the uterus starts growing somewhere else. When this additional tissue grows and is removed surgically, it results in scarring. This scarring may lead to the blocking of fallopian tubes, preventing the sperm from fertilizing the egg.
This health condition may also affect the effective implantation of a fertilized egg, leading to fertility issues.
Here are some of the most common cervical and uterine issues that hamper successful implantation of eggs and increase the chances of miscarriages:
- Benign Polyps – Benign polyps (or tumours) in the uterus may block the fallopian tubes or get in the way of successful implantation, thereby affecting fertility in women.
- Issues Since Birth – Infertility can also be caused to issues in uterus formation since birth, such as having an abnormally shaped uterus. Such issues often make it difficult for women to conceive without suffering from any of the causes mentioned above.
- Cervical Stenosis – This is the narrowing of the cervix which can be caused due to damage to the cervix or an inherited malfunction.
- Lack Of Effective Mucus – Infertility can also be caused if the cervix is not able to produce effective mucus that allows sperms to pass to the uterus through the cervix.
In many cases, female infertility cannot be traced to a specific cause. It may be caused due to a combination of multiple small and unnoticeable factors in both the partners. However, female infertility can be looked into and cured effectively if you get in touch with a skilled fertility specialist without any delay.
Tuberculosis in women can also lead to infertility issues if the disease is not treated on time. It is important for women diagnosed with tuberculosis to be treated soon and effectively to prevent any further health complications.

Symptoms Of Female Infertility
The only major symptom of female infertility is the inability to conceive and get pregnant despite frequent sexual intercourse over time. When a woman experiences a menstrual cycle that is too short (less than 21 days), too long (more than 35 days), absent, or irregular, it implies that she is not ovulating and needs to refer to a female infertility specialist. There may not be any other observable symptoms of female infertility.
Female Infertility And Homeopathy
At Dr Tathed’s Homeopathy, we provide sustainable and effective homeopathic treatment for female infertility. There is a common myth surrounding the issue that female infertility cannot be cured, leading to a stigma being attached to the patient for the rest of her life.Being one of the best homeopathy doctors in Pune, Dr Tathed and his team use the science of homeopathy to provide 100% natural treatments to women facing fertility issues. Homeopathy has always been effective in providing therapeutic treatment for female infertility. It takes the root cause into consideration and works towards eliminating the same to cure the patients.
The primary focus of homeopathy for female infertility has been on supporting a woman’s body in producing healthy eggs while she ovulates. It also deals with increasing the quantity and quality of fertile mucus to help sperms fertilize eggs effectively. A lot of homeopathic medicines also help women prepare a healthy uterine lining for successful implantation.
Along with treating the physical aspects, our homeopathic treatment for female infertility also focuses on the mental and emotional struggles a woman goes through because of the health complications. Fertility issues may lead to low self-esteem, lack of confidence, anxiety, and other mental health problems. Homeopathy tackles all these issues to ensure a wholesome treatment that focuses on the complete well-being of the patient.
Moreover, many women encounter such health complications due to the stress caused by conflicts as home and taking care of the firstborn. These physical and mental triggers are tackled by homeopathy to provide holistic treatments to the patients, thereby treating female infertility.

Here are some of the major homeopathic medicines used for treating female infertility:
Natrum Phos is used for treating fertility issues in females arising due to acid vaginal discharges. It tackles acidic, creamy, irritating, and honey-coloured discharges that affect ovulation and fertility.
This homeopathic medicine is used for treating infertility in women having long-lasting periods. It is also administered to women who suffer from an early onset of periods.
Pulsatilla is given to women who have been facing menstrual irregularities since menarche. This often results in menses getting delayed and never occurring on the expected date, increasing the risk of infertility.
Sepia is a homeopathic medicine recommended for women experiencing scanty, short, and suppressed menses. It is also given to women experiencing a bearing down sensation in their uterus. Sepia is often provided to women having a low sex drive and a dry vagina during intercourse.
Natrum Carb is a homeopathic medicine given to women suffering from non-retention of sperms due to sterility. It is also recommended for women experiencing irritating or offensive vaginal discharges.
For appointment please call @ 020 27455480 / +91 9405 435 981
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat: 10:00 - 19:00