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Acne (Pimples)
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Acne (Pimples)
Acne is a skin condition that is commonly referred to as “Pimples”.
Acne occurs when skin pores, the tiny holes on the surface of the skin get clogged. At the side of the hair follicle, the sebum gland is present which produces sebum an oily substance on the skin. When the sebaceous gland secretes too much oil, the pores can become blocked, accumulating dirt, debris and bacteria.
The secretion of sebum is caused by the androgen hormones – at puberty in teenage its secretion is more, hence more acne developed at this age.
Acne usually appears on the face, neck, back, and chest due to the abundance of pilosebaceous units in this area.

Types Of Acne :
- Non-inflammatory Acne : This type of acne doesn’t cause swelling.
a) Blackhead: Blackheads are the result of clogged pores, caused by sebum (oil produced by the skin’s sebaceous glands) and dead skin cells.
b) Whitehead : Whiteheads are also formed due to clogged pores left by sebum and dead skin cells. But unlike blackheads, the outer layer of the pore is closed in them. It appears as a small bump sticking out from your skin. Whiteheads are called closed comedones. - Inflammatory Acne: Inflammatory acne causes swelling and inflammation.
a) Papules : Acne Papules are inflamed blemishes that look like red bumps on your skin.
b) Pustules : Acne pustules are typical pimples with a white-colored head that contain pus.
c) Nodules : Acne nodules are large, inflamed lesions that feel hard and painful.
d) Cysts : Acne cysts are the most severe and painful forms of Acne. They are soft, large, and fluid-filled bumps beneath your skin’s surface.
Causes :
Four main factors cause acne:
- Excess oil (sebum) production
- Hair follicles clogged by oil and dead skin cells
- Bacteria
- Inflammation
Factors Responsible :
- More androgen hormone secretion.
- Unhealthy food habits (Eating junk foods, fast foods, fatty foods).
- Faulty lifestyle – Sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise, irregular habits of tacking meals, late-night sleep, or insomnia condition.
- Stress.
- Cosmetics.
- Menstrual cycle.
- Family history.
Scope of Homeopathy :
Homeopathy offers a long-term cure for acne problems. It is because Homeopathic medicines target the root cause or trigger factors of the disease thus gives a long-term cure.
Homeopathic Medicines :
- Pulsatilla : Indicated in females with, menstrual irregularities. Helpful for girls suffering from acne due to PCOD. Acne usually starts after puberty. Complaints are worse after taking fatty food. Acne is red painful and worse in warm weather.
- Berberis Aquifollium : It is indicated to reduce acne scars. It affects the skin which becomes dry, rough, scaly. Eruptions on scalp extending to face and neck. It helps to clear the complexion.
- Silicea : It is indicated for acne on the forehead. acne is filled with pus hard and very itchy. They sweat a lot. They have sweaty palms and soles.
- Hepar Sulph : It is indicated when a pimple is filled with pus. The pus may be blood-stained sometimes. Pimples are very sensitive to touch and painful. Suited in young adults. And complaints are worse in winters.
- Psorinum : It is indicated in all clinical types of acne. Skin is very oily and greasy. Psorinum helps in decreasing sebum production and improves the texture of the skin. Acne is worsened by eating sweets, meat, and fatty food.
* Note – Above medicines are for knowledge purpose only. Take the medication only after doctor’s consultation. Do not self medicate
For appointment please call @ 020 27455480 / +91 9405 435 981
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat: 10:00 - 19:00