Home/Diabetes Mellitus/Type II [NIDDM]
It is more common & constitutes 80-90% cases of diabetes. It is caused due to basic metabolic defect, either a delayed insulin secretion relative to glucose load [deranged insulin secretion] or unable to respond to insulin [Insulin resistance]
Age of Onset:Late [after 40 yrs]
Type of Onset:Gradual & Insidious
Family history:About 60%
![Type II [NIDDM] 1 diabetes2](https://drtathed.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/diabetes2.jpeg)
Clinical Features
Unexplained weakness
Loss of weight
- Genetic:Â Identical twins
- Maturity:Â Onset diabetes of the young has autosomal dominant inheritance.
- Obesity:Â There is impaired insulin sensitivity of peripheral tissues such as muscles & fat cells to insulin in obese individuals [insulin resistance]
- Insulin Receptor Defect:Â [non-obese type II NIDDM ] In such individuals, the increased insulin resistance of peripheral tissues is due to either decrease in the number of insulin receptors or there is post-receptor defect.
- Gestational Diabetes:Â In pregnancy.
A] Acute Metabolic:
- Diabetic ketoacidosis
- Hyperosmolar coma
- Hypoglycemia
B] Late Systemic Complications:
- Atherosclerosis
- Diabetic Microangiopathy
- Diabetic Nephropathy
- Diabetic Neuropathy
- Diabetic Retinopathy
- Infections :-TB, Pneumonia , Otitis, Carbuncles and Diabetic ulcers esp.
- Diabetic Foot It results due to trauma (which may be trivial) in the presence of neuropathy or peripheral vascular disease, with infection occurring as a secondary phenomenon following ulceration of the protective epidermis [layer of skin].
- Diabetic Ulcer.
Prevention of Diabetes
Especially in Obese people are:
- Decreases the weight
- Regular and proper exercise esp.—brisk walking, jogging etc
- Diet low fat containing diet,avoid extra fatty food
- Yoga
- Decrease mental stress
Special attention for NIDDM
The individuals, who are having much physical as well as mental tension & exertion, high demands from oneself to reach higher and higher position in society and too much psychological stress can more leads to early onset of diabetes in them
Clinical features
A] Primarily Neuropathic:
- Worm Bounding pulses
- Diminished sensation
- Pink skin, Callus Formation
- Crakes and fissures
- Painless ulceration
- Digital Gangrene
- Odema
B] Primarily Ischaemic:
- Cold, Absent Pules
- Sensation Intact
- Skin Blondes on Elevation
- Painful Ulceration
- Digital gangeren, Odema
Tissue Necrosis in the feet is a common reason for hospital admission in diabetic patients, which not unusually end with amputation at various levels.
- Avoid weight bearing
- Ensure good diabetic control
- Foot Care
Diagnosis of Diabetes:
- Urine test for glucose & ketones
- Random blood glucose level [BSL(R)]
- Plasma electrolytes & HB1AC [Glycosylated haemoglobin]
Diagnosis conformed by random plasma glucose is more than 140
Glycosylated haemoglobin [HB1AC ]– > 9.0 % [ In non-diabetics] This is an average blood glucose level of 3 months
Homoeopathic Role
This disease is labeled as an incurable disease in the world, but these sweat pills kills the sweat disease by, revitalizing the body’s immunity power, and activates the B-cells of pancreatic islets cells to secrete insulin naturally and harmoniously
In NIDDM:Â By using effective homoeopathic medicines, diabetes can be cured compeletely. It is achieved by the increased secretion of insulin of B-cells of pancreas, which in then controls blood sugar level. While treating NIDDM with homoeopathic medicines, insulin level in blood remains normal and constant
It doesn’t decreases, becoz of this body’s activity remains normal
Inspite of this, there is compulsory need an attention to be given on diet, regular exercise and walking daily as a regular schedule
Diabeteic Foot and Diabetic Ulcer are two complications in which the only treatment in other science is amputation i.e. removal of the part which makes the person disabled for his whole life. But in homoeopathy we have fantastic results and cure for this condition only by the way of medication which will avoid completely the disability of the person
For appointment please call @ 020 27455480 / +91 9405 435 981
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat: 10:00 - 19:00