Myths Of Homeopathy

Myth of Homeopathy

Myth 2: Homeopathy gives the same white medicines for all diseases: What seems so is not true. The white pills are only neutral vehicles or carriers of actual medicine that is sprinkled on them. The potent medicine coats the white pills. Different remedies can be prescribed in various potencies to best suit different patients. There […]

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Halasana or plow pose is an inverted yoga pose that stretches strengthens, and relaxes your body. It involves lying on your back and placing your feet on the floor behind your head. Benefits: 1) Boosts circulation. 2) Improves blood pressure. 3) Lowers blood sugar level down. 4) It stretches your spine and tones the body

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Health Benefits of Yoga

Health Benefits of Yoga

Yoga is an ancient practice that involves physical poses, concentration, and deep breathing. A regular yoga practice can promote endurance strength, calmness, flexibility, and well-being. ASANA: SARVANGASANA (shoulder stand pose) The word ‘Sarvanga’ means the entire body. It makes the mind alert contributing to self-confidence and self-reliance Balances the circulatory, respiratory, digestive, reproductive, and endocrine

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